Walter Welding

My House, Dallas, Texas

The Zombie Apocalypse and Walter Welding: A Rare Post of Photos Much Closer to Home!!

VERY close, in fact— because this is my crew foreman, Walter, building yet another fascinating but incomprehensible (to me, at least, lol) component of my new home! 😃

Incorporate Smaller Versions of Big Ideas!

It can certainly be quite frustrating at times to be living on the same piece of property where your home is being built. 😵‍💫 Most days I feel like there is a MARIACHI BAND that permanently lives in my brain!! 🤣🤣

And yesterday, I walked into the tiny garage apartment where I currently reside (Moroxico, I lovingly call it 😉) to find shattered glass all over my little kitchen and floor. Due to all the incessant building and banging, several wine glasses had apparently been vibrated right off the shelves. That was fun to clean up. 🙄 (But hey: I don’t drink wine anymore anyways, so no real loss there, right?! 😜)

However, having to walk past the construction site multiple times a day gives me a rare opportunity to witness just how much artistry, craftsmanship, and skill goes into building a house.

Almost daily, I think to myself how much I wish I possessed any number of the skill sets I see on display. I wish I knew more about wood joinery, welding, toilets, plumbing... so many things!

At bare minimum, I am determined to have at least a basic knowledge of practical things and how things work, so that I’m not totally useless in the coming apocalypse. I don’t want to be dead weight… just fodder for the zombies! 😳🤨

You know, maybe I should see if it’s not too late to have these guys weld me together some kind of underground Doomsday bunker, yeah? If that doesn’t make me popular and worth saving in the zombie apocalypse, I don’t know what will!

It certainly won’t be my capabilities as a photographer, lol.

Or my ability to host a YouTube series.

These both seem like rather unhelpful skill sets I’d be bringing to the table… if creatures are trying to eat our brains. 🥴😝

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